Friday, December 19, 2014


Ingredients :
1/2 chicken breast (cut in strips or cube)
1 egg( I used grade c)
some corn flour
Some salt
Oil to deep fry

1/2 lemon juice ( from 1  Lemon)
1 small bowl of water ( chinese soup bowl or jz estimate)
1 tbsp of sugar
Some starch & water ( mix well for thicken the sauce)

Methods :
1.  Mix the chicken with salt & egg.
2.  Coat the chicken with the corn flour.
3.  Deep fry till it turn golden & set aside.

4.  Pour in all the ingredients in B except  the starch mixture.
5.  Stir till the sugar dissolve in medium fire.
6.  Pour in the starch mixture to thicken it.
7.  Put in the fried chicken.
8.  Blend well & decorate with lemon slice before serving.

Saturday, December 13, 2014



1/2 green papaya (shredded)
1/2 tomato (cubed)
some roasted peanut ( pound a  bit)
some roasted dried shrimbs
2 bird eyes chilies*
some coriander leaves*
2 cloves of garlic *
1/4 lime/lemon juice
some fish sauce

* pound the ingredients together


1.  Mix all the ingredient together and decorate with extra peanut,chilies & coriander leaves.


1/2 chicken  - cut

to marinade the chicken :
A. Blend all the ingredients
- 2 lemon grass
- 5 cm ginger
- 2 cloves garlic

B. 1 tbsp jintan manis (powder)
     1 tbsp jintan putih (powder)
     1 tbsp curry powder
     1/2 tbsp of serbuk kunyit
     some salt

1. mix A & B together into the cut chicken.

2. marinate for at least 1 hr or overnight.
3. deep fry till cook.

4. serves with warm rice & decorate with fresh cucumber, tomatoes & local ulam2- the one in the picture is Ulam raja.

Friday, December 12, 2014


Ingredients : for 1 person

Some pork
1 egg
1 tanghoon
1 stalk of spring onion
Some black paper powder
some ginger
Boiling Water

Methods :
1. Pour a bit of cooking oil, stir fried the ginger & the meat till cook.
2. Pour in no 1 into the the boiling water.
3. Add in salt & the bottom part(white part)of the spring onion.  Let it boil for 2- 3 mins.
4. Crack in the egg.  Don't stir .
5. Put in the tanghoon & stir slowly.
6. When the noodles are cook, it's ready.  Pour into a bowl, sprinkle the spring onion on top & a dash of black paper.

 It's done.. simple & delicious

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Ingredients :
1 chicken breast(grilled  or deep fried)- cube
1 carrot
1 cucumber
1 fresh corn (steamed / canned sweet corn)
1 red onion
Apple vinegar ( jz abit , use Heinz) / lemon juice
Kewpie sandwich spread

methods :
mixed all ingredients together..make sure all vegetables are fresh & crunchy  :)


Thursday, December 4, 2014


Ingredients :
1 packet of crab stick 
Oil to deep fry 

Methods :
1. Tear the crab stick into smaller strips.
2.  Put in the fridge  for 2 to 3 hrs.
3.  Heat oil & fry the crab stick.  
* I fried it twice.  

It was finished in jz a split second...  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Fried rice :
Make any fried rice + chilies (optional)

Omelette :
Hz beat the eggs n pour in the non stick pan..
Scoop the fried rice on the egg & fold

As simple as ABC .. then decorate

Saturday, November 29, 2014


1 kg ambal
1 1/2 tbsp curry powder mix with some water to become paste
1 lemon grass
2 cloves of garlics..mince

1. heat wok, put in the lemon grass and minced garlics.. stir for a while.
2.  (small fire)pour in the curry paste.  stir till fragrant.
3.  pour in the fresh ambal.  mix well.
4.  pour in 50-100ml of water. stir to blend.
5.  do not over cook.
6.  turn to big fire and cook for about 5 mins.
7.  add salt to taste and serve .

* this is my 1st attempt to cook curry sambal.
* i prefer ambal cook in spicy soy sauce with lemon grass and ginger..simple & yummy!!


A.  wild betel leaves @ daun kaduk
      (wash & drain)
image taken from google

B: 100 ml water
     50g all purpose flower/ self rising powder
     10g rice flour
     some salt
C.  oil to deep fry

1.  mix batter B well.
2. dip the wild betel leaves in the batter and deep fry in hot oil.
* make sure your oil is hot enough.

My ABC soup

2 fresh corns cut into 4 small chunk each
2 medium size carrot cut into smaller pieces
4-5 black & white fungus: soak in water then cut into smaller strips
6-7 large red dates
6-7 pork ribs
a few slices of old ginger
2 cloves of garlic, just hit it abit with the knife
water 1 1/2 - 2 litre depend how much soup you want
salt to taste

1.  let the water boil 1st before throw in all the ingredients.
2.  cook until the meat is soft /come out from the bone with medium fire.
3.  add salt  before serving.

Friday, June 27, 2014


Cangkuk manis or Sauropus androgynus in english is one of sarawakian favourite local green. 
This was my 1st attempt to make this as I'm not satisfied with what I've ate at the's RM6/plate and not as I expected (the taste) I decided to tried it out's cheap, delicious and the most important thing's simple as abc...

now lets look at the main igredients:
1. theSauropus androgynus/cangkuk manis/cekur manis (need to crush it 1st ya)
pic..taken from google search
2. an egg and minced garlic
3.  some minced pork
4.  some fish sauce (x skip this as it will give you the special flavour)
5.  some powder chicken stock
6. salt to taste
** not to forget, a packet of fine vermicelli(halus punya) RM1.30/pckt  :)

1.  Heat wok, put in the garlic and egg.  stir a while.
2.  Pour in the pork,stir and then throw in the cangkuk manis and stir till it turn "soft" .
3. Put in the vermicelli, fried it.
4.  add in the fish sauce, salt and chicken stock.
5.  Fried till it dried up.

** remember, the fish sauce itself is salty already, so not to put too much salt.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


800ml chicken stock/water
4 tbsp tomyam paste
3 lemon grass (knock/ketuk)
1 big onion( i use1 medium bombay onion)
6 kafir lime leaves( tear the leaf before put in the pot)

1-2 tomato
lime juice
some beef
some chicken
some prawn
1 packet needle mushroom
some carrot
powder chicken stock
some red chilies(knock)

1.  Boil the water/chicken stock.
2.  Put in the onion, lime leaves, lemon grass.
3. After few mins, put in the rest of the ingredients and the tomyam paste(add more paste if not enough).  Leave 2-3 lime leaves

4.  Serve hot with rice or vermicelli.


Blend all these ingredients:

10 red onion
30 dried chilies - soak with hot water  
2 inch galangal (lengkuas)
3 lemon grass
1 ripe tomato
1 inc belacan/shrimp paste – burn on fire for awhile/dibakar
5 keping asam gelugur/Garcinia atroviridis (soak then cut into smaller pieces before blend..pour the water to soak the asam into blender)

1.  Heat oil and cook all the ingredients.
2.  Keep stirring to prevent the paste from burning.
3.  Add in SALT and enough SUGAR.  (sugar help lessen the spiciness)
almost done, just a little bit longer  :)

4.  Cook till oil started to surface and the oil turn red.
look at the colour..hehehehe

**keep the extra paste in container & use to cook other dishes such as, stir fried tomyam chicken, tomyam vermicelli noodle etc.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


(2-3 PERSON)
1/2 chiken breast cubed
3 dried chilies( soaked & diced)
5-6 red chilies
minced ginger
some black vinegar
corn flour
spring onion
sesame oil
sesame seed (pan fry without using oil till a little brown, set aside)

1.  Mix the chicken with some(jz abit) salt and corn flour.
2.  Deep fry the chicken and toss.  Set aside.
3.  Heat wok and stir fry the ginger, chilies in sesame oil till fragrant.
4.  Put in the chicken. Add in some water, let it simmer for a while.
5.  Add in the rest of the ingredient accept the spring onion.
6.  When almost done, put in the onion and after 1 minutes, serves on plate.
7.  Sprinkle the sesame seed before serving.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Normally I'll only cook and eat the mee suah on 1st day of CNY and on birthday.  :)
Purpose cook this for a friend who want the recipe .  No fuss as all the ingredients are available at home.

1/2 ayam kampung (local chicken)
8 slices old local ginger
10cm old ginger (pound & take the juice)
few dried mushroom (sock & clean, throw the stem)
1 tbsp ang chow(optional)
red wine
1/2 pot of boiling water (depend on how much is your chicken)

1.  Heat the wok, por the oil and stir fried the sliced ginger for a while.
2.  Pour in the chicken. Fried.

3.  Then put in the mushroom. Stir fried again.leave it for 1-2 mins, close the lid.
4,  Then put in the ang chow. stir fried for 1 mins.

5. Transfer all the chicken into the boiling water & cook till the chicken is soft and tender.
6. Add in some salt, not too much as the mee suah itself is salty.
7.  Add in the ginger juice and the soup is done.
8.  To cook the mee suah, boil some water in the wok/pot.  Put in the mee suah ( i put 3 pieces for 2 person)
9.  Stir the mee suah , must stir to prevent lumpiness in the mee suah.

10.  In a bowl, pour in some chinese red wine.

11.  Pour the soup before u put in the mee suah.

12.  Put in the mee suah and some mushcroom & the chicken and it's done.


Well, actually it's not that chunky anyway..hehhe.. I guest many of us will have a lot of left over after BBQ , especially the fish..  DON'T throw away or reheat it.. I figured out a new way to "settle" the BBQ fish.  It's easy and everyone will be able to do it.  And believe me, you'll love it.  :)

left over bbq fish/grilled fish  (around 2-3 fish)
lots of ginger( around 5-10cm)*
1 whole big garlic*
4-5 lemon grass (white part)*
10 chilies *( put more if prefer spicier)
1 1/2 tbsp pepper
1 1/2 cup of oil

1.  Use the mortar and pestle to finely pound all the * ingredients. set aside.
2.  Carefully pick put the fish bones, throw away the head and tail.
3.  Slightly scattered the fish so that not in the big chunk.
4.  Heat the oil.  Add in the pounded spices.  Stir till fragrant.
5.  Add in the fish and keep stirring using medium heat till the fish dries up.
6.  Add in the salt, powder chicken stock and pepper.
7.  Keep stiring or u can leave for a while using small heat or fire and till the fish become a little flossy..
  (refer to the pics)
8.  Enjoy it together with rice.. yummy...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

干捞面(mee pok) mee pok kolok

Its easy,fast & cheap to make your own mee I used mee pok.  You can use any dried mee.

soy sauce
some minced meat
some minced garlic
some chopped minced onion
dried mee pok (2 pieces for a person)

1.  Heat oil.  Put in garlic.
2.  Stir a while till fragrant use medium heat.
3.  Put in the meat and stir fried till cook.  Set aside.

4.  Take 1 1/2 spoonful of the oil and put in a plate.  
5.  Add in soy sauce (  i used sweet soy sauce), salt & pasti sedap (powder chicken stock).  Then set aside.

6.  Boil some water..put in the mee pok into boiling water, stir.
7.  Toss the mee, put in a bowl of cold water, toss.
8.  Then toss again in the hot water,
9.  Toss dry and put in the oil. 
10.  Mix well before pour the meat and spring onion on top.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

叉烧肉 non bake char siew

Have always wanted to make this char siew since I saw a recipe after googling for non bake char siew...but i'd change a bit..


I agak2 only the  measurement.  :)

1 piece of pork belly (around 600g)
garlic paste ( i blended 6-7cloves garlic)
some sugar
some light soy sauce
some dark soy sauce
3 drops of red colouring ( i x put)

1.  wash the pork belly.  Pat dry and mix all the ingredient together & marinate for at least 3 hours or overnight.( I marinated mine 6 hrs..the longer the better :)  )

2.  After that, take pork out and set aside and pour marinate into a wok. Bring to a boil.

3.  Add in pork and bring to boil again.
4.  Then lower the heat to medium..cook the belly till the sauce has thicken.
5.  Do turn the pork a few times while cooking, to ensure it's evenly cooked.
6.  Braised for 45 mins - an hour.
7.  Take out the pork, set aside and slice.

8.  As for the remaining sauce, you can serve together by pouring on the sliced meat.

** taste the sauce to adjust the sweetness you prefer.

 Baking Mum’s Non-Bake Char Siew  recipe  :)

500 gm pork (wu hua) 
70 gm sugar
¾ tsp salt
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp dark soy sauce 
300 ml water
a little red colouring powder
2 tbsp oil


Mix sugar, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, water and colouring in a mixing bowl.
Add in pork and marinate for at least 4 hrs.
Pour seasoning sauce in a pot and bring to a boil. Add in pork and let it boil.
Lower fire and simmer meat until tender and sauce thickens.
Lastly add in oil so that surface of char siew will be glossy.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Just like this simple dish very much, especially when the shoots were freshly plucked & cook immediately after that.  Very sweet  :)

some pumpkin shoots
some bb corn

After removed the hard part..rubbed the shoots like the pic above..drain the water

6 medium saiz prawn
some minced garlic

1.  Stir fried the garlic and prawn for a while.
2.  The put in the bb corn.  Stir fried a while.
3.  Lasty put in the shoots and some water.
4.  Add salt to taste.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Crispy Yet Juicy Fried Chicken

2 chicken thighs (cuts)

*to marinade
2 tbsp white pepper (can add more)
1 egg
1/2 cup of buttermilk(milk+ 1/4 lemon juice)
1/2 tspn hot sauce(tobasco)
powder chicken stock

1/4 cup flour
1tbsp corn flour

-just mix all ingredient together with the chicken and marinade for 2 hrs or over night..

before frying..
- heat oil ( i use shortening as there're lots of shortening left )

- thinly coat the marinade chicken with mixture of corn flour ( add some white pepper & salt in the conr flour, mix well)

When it's, crispy & juicy <3