Wednesday, April 30, 2014


chicken feet my style:

Chicken feet ± 700g
Rice flour ± 2tbsp *
Corn flour ± 4tbsp *
Minced garlic 1 tbsp
Dried chili 3
Water ± 1 ½ cup
Sour plum sauce
Soy sauce
Tomato sauce
Oyster sauce
Some salt

1. Mix rice flour & corn flour into the chicken feet(after washed thoroughly)..until well combine..leave it for 30mins.
2. Deep fried the chicken feet (not too dry). Make sure you hv enough oil to fry it.. till the skin started to show like bubble. Toss n set aside.
3. Stir fried the garlic chopped and dried chillies, put in the chicken feet. Stir it for just a few second. Pour in water and the rest of the ingredients.
4. Mix well in the wok. Turn into small fire. Let it cook till the sauce thicken.
5. Do stir the chicken feet to prevent the sauce to burn..
6. Garnish with some chopped onion…

simple mayo eggs(mayo omelet)

simple mayo eggs(mayo omelet) 

2 eggs(lightly beaten)
1table spoon mayo
a pinch of salt
mix everything together and fried it on non stick pan till cook..that's all
*if you want to add other ingredient, it'll be just fine


Jeruk Betik

from resepi bonda
2 biji betik (anggaran 1½ kg ) ~ pastikan masih keras isinya
1 cawan gula pasir (boleh kurangkan kalau taknak manis sangat)
1 cawan cuka (boleh lebihkan ikut selera sendiri)
1 cawan air MASAK
2 sudu kecil garam
12 biji asam boi warna merah
4 ~ 5 biji cili padi ~ belah 2


2 green papaya ( about 1.5kg) ~ make sure it's still crunchy
1 cup of suar ( put less if u want)
1 cup of white vinegar
1 cup of boiled water (room temperature)
2 tsp salt
12 red dry pickled plum
4-5 bird chilies

1. Kupas betik, buang bijinya & dicuci bersih.
2. Potong betik saiz kesukaan anda. Anggaran 1 inci lebar setiap keping dan dihiris berlapis2 tetapi jangan putus!! (Hiris ala2 mcm jeruk betik terjual kat kedai tu ler )
3. Cuci lagi dan toskan betik tadi.
4. Masukkan isi betik dalam bekas yg sesuai utk menjeruk.
5. Campurkan gula, garam, cili padi, asam boi dan gaul rata.
6. Tuangkan cuka & air masak agak2 separas/setinggi setengah isi betik dlm bekas tadi. Tak perlu tenggelam betiknya kerana betik akan mengeluarkan airnya sendiri selepas sehari dijeruk. 

7. Kacau2 sedikit dan tutup bekas dan bolehlah disimpan selama 2 malam sebelum boleh dimakan.
8. Untuk jeruk lebih bertahan lama.. boleh disimpan dlm peti ais selepas dijeruk 2 mlm.

1. peel of the skin, seeds & wash 
2. slice the papaya thinly
3. wash again & toss
4. put the sliced papaya in a jar
5. mix the sugar, salt, chilies & plum together in the jar
6. pour in the vinegar, water..just enough to cover the papaya ( not too much as the papaya will concentrate its own juice)
7. stir and closed the jar..leave it for 2 days before it's ready..
8. put it in the fridge after that..


Meat floss cake

70g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
3 eggs (I used grade A)
150g caster sugar
120ml corn oil
¼ tsp salt
70g meatfloss/chicken floss(I used meatfloss)
1. Grease and line a 10cmx20cm(4x8 inches)loaf pan. Preheat oven to 175’c
2. Combine flour, baking powder and soda in a mixing bowl
3. Combine eggs, sugar, oil and salt. Stir into flour mixture together with the meatfloss until well blended.
4. Spoon mixture into prepared pan. Bake in oven for 35-40 mins. Stand for 10 mins and turning on to wire rack to cool.
5. Spread thinly frosting on top of the cake, sprinkle with meatfloss for decoration.