Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Since the weather is extremely warm now a day, i'd decided to make this jelly which i've been delaying to make it with lots of excuses.. I'd made some adjustment from its original recipes shared in 老妈子糕点王国 fb group. Let's have a look at the ingredients. :)

Ingredients A:
jelly strips 12.5g
gula melaka 1( 1 biji)
Image result for gula melaka
water  1100ml

Ingredients B:
jelly strips  12.5g
sugar  110g
water  800ml
thick coconut milk   200ml ( i used ayam brand)
milk   100ml

1. Prepare 2 pots.
2. Put in all the ingredients A and stir till the jelly strips melt.
3. Put in all the ingredients B in 2nd pot EXCEPT the coconut milk & milk.  Stir till the jelly strips melted & pour in the coconut milk & milk. stir a while & set aside.
4.  Then pour in the mixture in a bowl/ baking tray/ any container/ any mould . 
5.  Make sure the bottom layer is slightly harden before you pour the next layer.  Continue till it's finish.  Chill, cut & serve cold.

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