Tuesday, July 7, 2015



Hahaha... seiketsu is actually the product's name for the electrical appliances I used to make this soy milk.  You can google to see the list of products in their website SEIKETSU .. but mine is the 1st generation.

soya bean  250g (soak overnight)
water         1700ml
brown sugar
pandan leaf    1(cut into smaller size)

1.  Wash & drain the water.
2.  Put everythings EXCEPT the sugar into the "machine" and press the heavy soy milk button.
3.  Wait till it's done.  hehehe..easy...   :P

** if you don't have the seiketsu, just blend the soy bean, then press the milk from the blended soy bean ( the same way you press your coconut milk).  The 1st round, x add in any water, the 2nd time add in some water & press again.  Don't over done it or else it'll be tasteless.  After that, cook till it boiled.  Drain again.  Done.


Since the weather is extremely warm now a day, i'd decided to make this jelly which i've been delaying to make it with lots of excuses.. I'd made some adjustment from its original recipes shared in 老妈子糕点王国 fb group. Let's have a look at the ingredients. :)

Ingredients A:
jelly strips 12.5g
gula melaka 1( 1 biji)
Image result for gula melaka
water  1100ml

Ingredients B:
jelly strips  12.5g
sugar  110g
water  800ml
thick coconut milk   200ml ( i used ayam brand)
milk   100ml

1. Prepare 2 pots.
2. Put in all the ingredients A and stir till the jelly strips melt.
3. Put in all the ingredients B in 2nd pot EXCEPT the coconut milk & milk.  Stir till the jelly strips melted & pour in the coconut milk & milk. stir a while & set aside.
4.  Then pour in the mixture in a bowl/ baking tray/ any container/ any mould . 
5.  Make sure the bottom layer is slightly harden before you pour the next layer.  Continue till it's finish.  Chill, cut & serve cold.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


I took this recipe from the internet long time ago, sorry not able to mention whose recipes but for sure this is an easy version of making Loh Mai Kai.

sticky rice  500g
mushroom 3 ( soak & slice)- i add more
chinese sausage 1 ( slice & stir fried a bit  ** i skip the stir fry part)
chicken tigh meat 200g (slice)

Ingredients A (sticky rice):
oyster sauce 2 tbsp
soy sauce 2 tbsp ( i used the sweet soy sauce)
pepper powder 1/2tsp
garlic 1 clove ( minced * i put more)

Ingredient B ( chicken):
oyster sauce 1 tsp
soy sauce 1 tsp ( i used sweet  soy sauce)
ginger juice 1 tsp
sesame oil 1 tsp
corn flour 1 tsp
pepper powder

1. Clean & soak the sticky rice overnight.
2.  marinate the chicken with all the ingredients B.
3. Heat the wok, pour in the garlic, stir and pour in the drained sticky rice & the rest of ingredients A into the wok.
4.  Stir/ cook till you smell the nice fragrant and set aside.
5.  Prepare some bowl, thinly coat with oil.
6.  Put in the sausage, mushroom and chicken in the bottom before you put in the sticky rice that you'd fried earlier.
7.  Before put into the steamer, pour 2-3 table spoon of water into the bowl & steam for 1 hour.

This recipe yield for 6 bowl.

pulut 500g
mushroom 3 kuntum (rendam & potong)
sausage 1batang (hiris & goreng sikit)
ayam 200g (bhgn paha, potong)

bahan A (pulut):
sos tiram 2 sudu besar(sb)
kicap 2 sb
serbuk lada 1/2 sudu kecil
garlic 1 ulas(dicincang) aku engkah lebih

bahan B (ayam)
sos tiram 1 sudu kecil
kicap 1 sudu kecil (aku guna yg manis)
jus halia 1 sudu kecil
sesame oil 1 sudu kecil
tepung jagung 1 sudu kecil
serbuk lada

1. rendam pulut semalaman.
2. perap ayam dgn semua bahan dan biar semalaman
3. tumis bawang putih, & masukkan pulut & semua bahan A ke dalam kuali.. goreng sampai naik bau.
4. sediakan bekas / mangkuk kecil, sapukan sedikit minyak & susun sausage, mushroom dan isi ayam di dasar, & masukkan pulut yang telah digoreng.
5.  masukkan 2-3 sudu air ke dlm mangkuk berisi pulut tadi sebelum di steam selama 1 jam.