Ingredients :
*5 dried chilies (add more if prefer a spicier sambal)
*10 red chilies
*4 red onions
*A handful of dried shrimps
*4 cloves of garlics
*3-4cm belacan( dried shrimp paste)
3 tbsp/ half of chinese soup bowl(small one) of air asam jawa
3 spoonful (tbsp) of sugar....( I prefer sweet sambal)
Some salt..
Methods :
1. Blend all * ingredients together.
2. Heat wok & pour in oil..
3. Make sure the oil is hot enough. Pour in the blended ingredients.
4. Stir & cook till oil started to surface.
5. Add in the rest of the ingredients & stir for another 10 minutes.
*serves with hard boiled egg, some sliced cucumbers, salted fish & fried peanut.. yummy